I am Associate Professor in the Department of Information Science and Technology
and a researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT)

  • Office: D625 (Building II)    /  Pigeonhole: 305
  • Phone: +351 21 765 05 75 / Extension 22 0754 (internal calls only)
  • Address (view):
      Av. das Forças Armadas 1649-026 Lisbon
  • School Admin. Office: +351 21 046 40 13 / Extension: 291300 (internal calls only)



  • Our 2023 paper proposing noise-guessing decoding of quantum random linear codes (for which no decoder existed until then) was listed as the most recent milestone on the timeline of quantum error-correction codes milestones on the paper surveying quantum information & communications and accepted for the an upcoming issue of the  prestigious Proceedings of the IEEE, authored by the leading reseachers in this field. Our 2024 proposal to use noise-guessing to link purification is also cited in the same survey.
  • September 2024: Our paper "Efficient entanglement purification based on noise guessing decoding" has been accepted and already published in the prestigious Quantum journal, Sep. 2024. [Quantum] [ArXiv]
  • We have submited the paper "Entanglement Routing Based on Fidelity Curves"  to the prestigious IEEE Network magazine, Aug. 2024. [ArXiv]
  • July 2024: We've submitted the paper "Fault-tolerant noise guessing decoding of quantum random codes" to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, proposing a quantum-GRAND decoder that is able to cope with preparation errors, measurement errots, and noisy gates, to a leavel that can be made practical [ArXiv].
  • January 2024: We've submitted the paper "Simple and Fast Decoding of Short LDPC Codes" to ISIT 2024. We are happy and honoured for the wonderful collaboration with Prof. Carlos Salema. The paper proposes a groundbreaking technique for low-lattency decoding. [Paper].
  • November 2023: By using a duality between error correction and link purification, we have proposed a much more efficient technique for purification of quantum links: Purification-GRAND (PGRAND). Submitted to the high-impact Quantum journal [ArXiv].
  • October 2023: Our Quantum-GRAND (QGRAND) proposal for quantum error correction has just been accepted for publication in IEEE Access [IEEEXplore].

  • July 2023: We have generalised symbol-level GRAND to massive MIMO and proposed using a soft metric to sort the antennas and greatly reduce the decoding time up to 80%. Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comms: [ArXiv].

  • April 2023: We have proposed a new metric and a new tool to be used in routing in quantum networks. The proposed metric is based on "fidelity vs entanglement probability" curves. Submitted to Physical Review A: [ArXiv].
  • February 2023: Three journal papers published in their final version in Jan-Feb 2023:
    i) Symbol-level GRAND in IEEE Communications Letters [IEEEXplore];
    and two papers on routing on quantum networks:
    ii) point-to-point entanglement in IEEE Access [
    iii) multipartite entanglement in the Quantum journal [Quantum].
  • September 2022: GRAND decoding over massive MIMO presented and published in VTC-Spring 2022, London [IEEEXplore].
  • August 2022: Decoding any error correction code! A triplet of papers based on noise-centric decoding was just made available:
    i) applying for the first time GRAND in coded massive MIMO and seeing how RLCs outperform 5G's polar codes [ArXiv];
    ii) showing that switching from bit-level GRAND to symbol-level GRAND can reduce computational complexity by half or more [ArXiv];
    iii) extending GRAND to decoding quantum RLCs, with the proposal of Q-GRAND. [ArXiv]
    It was very rewarding to work on these ideas at this stage with co-authors with whom it is a pleasure to work with while exploring ideas in fundamental research.

  • June 2021: Very proud  to seeing our work on MIMO for wireless energy transfer published in the prestigious IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing [IEEEXplore] [ArXiv] [5min video].

  • On sabbatical leave from Feb. 2019 until Feb. 2020, visiting/collaborating with a number of research groups abroad.
  • August 2018: We have successefuly organised ISWCS 2018 in Lisbon (205 participants from all over the world, first-class keynote speakers, state-of-the-art tutorials,...)
ISWCS 2018 Lisbon

Past Research positions

Awards and Grants

Not listed above are the numerous travel grants obtained both from the UK (Cambridge Philosophical Society; Fitzwilliam College; Engineering Department; The Computer Laboratory; Digital Technology Group and Wireless Team funds) and from Portugal (Telecommunications Institute; Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD); Foundation for Science and Technology).

Past Teaching positions

    At Iscte-IUL:     At Instituto Superior Técnico:

Professional Affiliations

Science Societies

Other affiliations